Thursday, August 15, 2013

A solitude nail on the wall

Someone might have nailed it,
To put up his evidence of accomplishment.
But, on second thought, would have left it,
Maybe, he wanted to explore some other place,
That would grab the eyeballs of the on-lookers.

Since then, it’s there, though, standing tall,
Among the crowded and successful nails on the wall.
Waiting for his own day, that will make him be the real star.
It believed, the patience always pays, and in this hope
With all pride, gathering all confidence, without any complaints,
He looked up and straight up the sky, to pray god,
To give him that day as soon as possible.

Finally, the day was here.
To applaud his struggle and to present him
The crown of victory.
A big crack on the wall, that made it fall,
From a great height to the greatest of stature.
It got three more nails to network with,
And a bigger and a classier wall with
A spotlight on its head.
A world renowned museum,
With a million dollar painting on the nail.

It celebrated its joie de vivre with his newly-found friends,
With regular spectators looking and appreciating the painting, indirectly to it.
Now, he is a rich nail, shining bright, heads high in pride.
A nail of worth.

Finally, nailed it. 

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